Someone defined responsibility as the act of responding to one’s ability.

Africa has problems. There’s a mindset and a generation that expect the world to solve these problems for us. These are African leaders and citizens alike with masters degrees and phDs who have allowed Africa to be despised. For solutions, we used to look West, now we look East. We used to beg for donations and ‘grants’ from the West but not too long ago we started begging and eventually accepted exorbitant loans from the East, literally mortgaging Africa. The West didn’t deliver but instead squadared with a pen, the East will steal with a pen too but will carry our wealth out of Africa in broad day light on Belt and Road.

The world looks at us like a bunch of babies that need rescuing. As they baby-sit us with NGOs and ‘Aid’, others position themselves to expatriate our wealth. All the while, we have the training, the exposure, the skills, the hope that it takes to solve Africa’s problems. We have to restore the dignity of the African person. We are a dignified people who must rise to the occasion and once and for all dismantle the current image of Africa and replace it with dignity.

There is no question that we are mired in perennial problems because we have blind and greedy men for leaders. Misleaders who are preoccupied with creating personal and family empires. Our focus has to shift from expecting solutions from these lot which analogous to expecting milk from a bull. We are generation of functional leaders who need no elected position to solve our problems. Wangari Maathai did not need elected position to stop deforestation and helping with the reforestation efforts. She just needed courage and seedlings. Several decades later her impact is evident.

This platform seeks to provide practical solutions and strategies to, Reducing Poverty and Youth Unemployment, Reduce Non-Communicable Diseases ( Hypertension, Diabetes and Cancer), Ensure Food and Energy Security and to mitigate against Capitalism Natural Failures (which includes inequality) and to inspire the said generation to individually and collectively start looking inward and solving our problems. To start taking responsibility, RESPOND to our ABILITIES. The African taking Responsibility, we will become AFRISPONSIBLE!!!

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