Otherwise, ours will quickly shift from being Cost of Living to Cost of Dying or at best the Hustlers will have to pay to breathe.
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Otherwise, ours will quickly shift from being Cost of Living to Cost of Dying or at best the Hustlers will have to pay to breathe.
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On seeing the signpost though, I immediately and almost helplessly asked myself this question. Where does the corruption zone end?
The men between 18- 45 hidding behind this demeaning label must reclaim their dignity. The men between 18-45 who form the largest portion of men in this nation must step in confidently into their rightful name. In a figure of speech, if you call a lion a hyena long enough it starts scavenging like a hyena. These are lions lost in scavenging and must summon themselves to hunting again!
Even though the Kenyan economy has plentiful fertile tropical Land, enviable youthful population in their millions and billions of public and private Money running after dead, idle and lazy assets, the economy is impotent. The factory lacks the single most important input, skills. That is, skills to make things it consumes. It’s akin to you having maize flour, water, propane gas, a lighter and cooker in a nicely done kitchen but starving to death because you didn’t know how to cook. Dying with cooking stick in your hand is an embarrassment.
You thought you ate pigs but pigs are eating you. You are currently surrounded by a mob of swines but their bites are quiet and discreet. I am not talking about the four legged ones. But those shrouded in many brands in your local shops owned by a few. Others are actually one owning many or monopolies. Monopolies are akin to pigs, you could say they are cousins. I will start by showing how they are blood related. In the end, you will see the inherent dangers of monopolies and why we must deprive them of their oppressive power and the risk they pose to our lives.
I can not find it in me to celebrate your healthy hands while your legs are profusely bleeding. I will be insensitive to tell you how good your toes are while you are hooked on a dialysis machine. Our economy is bleeding money via imports and to survive we are hooked on debt chains by foreign entities. At Ksh. 7 trillion shillings in debt, you, your children, their children and their children are debt slaves but simply slaves nonetheless!
We can no longer be bystanders. We must give voice to the voiceless. We must open our eyes when there’s time to do something. To our White brethren we said, to be silent is to complacent when Mr. Floyd was killed. For us to be silent, to preserve our personal comforts is to be complacent to a system that’s on high gear in enslavement of Wanjiku.
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While we hanker down, we will wake up in a territory that’s is ours in name only because we failed to stay alert. It’s called SHOCK and AWE strategy.
World Health Organization has told us that, “Older people and people with pre-existing medical conditions like asthma, diabetes, heart disease appear to be more vulnerable to becoming severely ill with Corona Virus.” Differently put, even though it clear that the virus can infect everyone, its also true that most young people are only presenting with […]