Their purchase was not only buying their future diseases, they were also sending money abroad. They were willing middle income Kenyans inadvertently crippling their own economy.
If Chinese takes your Cows, IMF and others take your milk, everyday
Are you worried that the Chinese loans will take over our cow? You should be equally worried that the IMF and World Bank loans will take all your milk every morning and make laws that will govern your personal life.
Should SMEs Beg Banks for Their Own Money?
In my last article titled, Kenyan Banks Stuck in Traffic, some complained about the powerlessness of SMEs. They said that banks don’t want to risk their money with SMEs. But who owns the money the banks hold is what’s been misunderstood by such complaints.
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Kenyan Banks Stuck in Traffic
While Saccos lead the way in the dead assets craze, banks in Kenya lead in the lazy assets category. Unaware that crazy and lazy are cousins, they create traffic whose evidence is oversubscribed treasury bills. Instead of lending where wealth and sustainability is created, they choose to lend to foolish and corrupt pockets.
I am a MAN! not a youth!
The men between 18- 45 hidding behind this demeaning label must reclaim their dignity. The men between 18-45 who form the largest portion of men in this nation must step in confidently into their rightful name. In a figure of speech, if you call a lion a hyena long enough it starts scavenging like a hyena. These are lions lost in scavenging and must summon themselves to hunting again!
Ministry of Shopping, Borrowing and Poverty Management
Even though the Kenyan economy has plentiful fertile tropical Land, enviable youthful population in their millions and billions of public and private Money running after dead, idle and lazy assets, the economy is impotent. The factory lacks the single most important input, skills. That is, skills to make things it consumes. It’s akin to you having maize flour, water, propane gas, a lighter and cooker in a nicely done kitchen but starving to death because you didn’t know how to cook. Dying with cooking stick in your hand is an embarrassment.
If we built it to import more products to Kenya we have simply created an instrument of national suicide.
In our megastructure wisdom we built it because there was ships’ traffic of inbound containers of shoes from China, maize from Mexico, Sugar from brazil, Brake pads Japan, Milk powder from the UK etc.
In March and it’s neighborhood , banks in Africa received senior loans from international banks and other investors. The banks and companies that accepted these loans in essence sold themselves in advance to those who extended the loans. This debt has clauses to either convert it shareholdings or the first priority to buy prime assests in case of bankruptcy. Either way wealth is transfer is sealed or most likely.
I can befriend you online in a pseudo name even though we live in the same neighborhood as perfect strangers. Stay apart but connect with humanity, without the human connection, physical connection. We might as well have an Ethernet or USB port on our skulls for ours is quickly becoming a virtual existence. It’s not humans giving up their freedoms, it’s simply humans giving up humanity. We are tired of humanity, we simply want to be a node in supercomputers network
Humanity Lost to Masks
The cues that come from a subtle single twitch or quiver on the lip that tells you that your friend is afraid, angry or in deep mourning. The cue that cannot be put into words that instantly begs a hug, a tight hug that miraculously absorbs all that pain and distress in the very same instance. An instance where insanity beckons but is waded off by a timely fluffy bear hug invited by a subtle twitch on the lip. We humans are about to lose that. Stolen by masks.