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Men Appointed to Women’s Guild
That, even though they appear to be blessed with a chance to opulence and arrogance, it was without Funa’s blessings or that of the partying men he leads.
Shock! A Man Transplanted With His Own Failed Kidneys by Dr. Ruto
Yes, Dr. Ruto surgically removed the kidneys he himself declared as failed and sutured them right back pronouncing the procedure as a total success.
Should Hell Vet Angels?
We must brave this mess as we have a Parliament that does not represent the people and we don’t have the luxury of time to wait for their recall or their righteous replacement.
Bold or Cunning? Ruto Attempts Tribeless by Firing the Tribed!
When President Ruto fired his entire Cabinet yesterday, it was not courage or boldness that informed him. It was conniving calculus and cunning algebra.
Delegate not MP
To bridle the people’s representatives whose current title does not speak to them on a daily basis as to why they hold that office, we must remind them by changing their title from MP to Delegate and address them as Mtumishi not Mhesh!
Condom as King
Why is he really here? Coz the Condom is King over there!!!
Your House, Your Mjei!
So, Mr. President, please remember the prediction of our dwelling places by 2050 is presented as an inevitable reality but it’s meant to herd you and other policy makers in Africa to that hyper-urbanized reality for the benefit of multinationals now busy setting up to take advantage of the US$3 Trillion that will be generated from these hyper-urbanized African Citizens.
Unga Kwanza
How did we get here, where our Cabinet Secretaries have to be dispatched to search for mere maize while other countries are dispatching theirs to sign us up for conniving Belt and Roads, push for unfair Free Trade Agreement (FTA) or their AI programs?
Digital Super-Highway Will Collapse Kenya!
In this particular case e-commerce and its enabler the Digital Superhighway is a monopolizing tool whose goal is to wrestle business from China but in doing so it will kill both Kenyan trades and the trader.